If you ask people what they think science is, no two people will answer exactly the same way, but that doesn't mean what they define science as isn't similar. With most people you will find that all in all they're general idea of what science is, is the same. Science is three main things; it is 1.) A body of knowledge, 2.) a way of doing things, and 3.) the cross cutting of relationships. You will find that if you break down what people tell you they think science is after asking them, their answers will fit into one of all three of those categories.
#2: Earth Science Questions Include...
How do Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, biosphere, and lithosphere interact on all time and space scales?
We can think of an answer to this on a simpler scale. Take the water cycle for example. You can see in the picture placed below, that for the water cycle to come full circle the water has to go through each component of the Earths atmosphere (the run off), ocean (the ocean the water is evaporating out from), Biosphere (the condensation of the water in the clouds that later precipitates back to earth), and the Lithosphere (the water in the infiltration).
How can we use measurements to describe and understand Earth’s dynamic system?
System dynamics is a type or version of system theory's in a form of a method used to help understand the dynamic behavior of complex systems, such as the Earth. We can use measurements to help describe this by creating models of the actual earth on a smaller scale. We can use specific forms of measurements like sonar to track depths of the ocean to help us understand earths dynamic system in terms of the tectonic plates under the oceans surface and measure their changes.
What has been the impact of human activity on Earth?
Humans have had both a positive and negative impact of the Earth, but in the bigger over all picture I feel humans have mostly negatively impacted the Earth. Humans are that of a very destructive species. We are very destructive in almost everything we do and we really are only looking out "for number one". We do very little to repair what we have destroyed and just continue to take from the Earth. We tear down forests, dump oil and other waste in the oceans, burn and bulldoze miles and miles of forests and wild life and so much more just to create space for a new factory, to get rid of waste, and to dig up fossil fuels. We do a lot to the Earth while putting very little thought into the repercussions that our actions might have. In turn we are destroying the only planted we have to call home and creating a mess bigger than we are able to clean up. I was always told for every tree you kill or destroy plant 3 more. I think more people should live with that same thought in mind.
What is the future of our environment under climate change, land use change, and water use change?
The future for those things at this point in time is looking pretty bad. We are already seeing a lot of proof in climate change with the melting of the glaciers being one example. Our climate overall is warming up due to the hole in our ozone from global warming because off the green house gases we are constantly burning. Land use change is also something that is drastically changing. you see climates changing which is changing the environment in areas which in turn is changing the way the land is and what it can and is used for. I see the use we have of our water changing in the very near future. Since the glaciers are melting we are loosing fresh water faster. Not only are we loosing it because we are using much more of it a lot faster than we used to, but also because the glaciers are melting and that water is getting mixed into our oceans and other non fresh bodies of water.
How accurate are climate system models?
How accurate climate system models are depend the ones you're looking at, like anything. But ones that are done right, or well are fairly accurate. They are just about as accurate as they can get for the types of technologies and knowledge we have. None of them are going to be perfect but they can be done pretty reasonably if there is enough data gathered.