Monday, November 2, 2015

This is a Story of a Rock

On a rainy Wednesday morning my science class talked about the rock cycle. I was not here for this class, but was told by a classmate that we talked about the rock cycle and our professor drew it on the board while they drew and colored their own models. Because I wasn't there I don't have an example of my own to show, so I pulled on off of the internet (the link is below the picture). In addition to drawing these I was told the idea behind them is this was an activity we could use with our own science students. We could have them draw the rock cycle than write a store about a rock and it's life. They could have this rock's life go through its own journey of the rock cycle to help the kids understand that there is no specific order of the rock cycle. Rocks can go in any way through any or all of the stages.

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