Friday, August 29, 2014

"Are you smarter than an 8th grader?"...I'm not!

In my MSED 251 class we were asked to take a short multiple choice quiz. This quiz was the equivalent to one that an eighth grade teacher would give to their students. At the very end of the quiz once you have submitted it, you are given the percentage right you got as well as the option to go through and look to see what questions you answered right, and what the correct answers to the questions you got wrong were. During the quiz there were many questions that contained material I know I have learned before, but just could not recall the information enough to be sure on my answers. Once I finished the quiz I didn't feel like I had done too bad...until I saw the percent I had gotten right. 50%...50%! I haven't scored that low on anything ever in my life! I was shocked, pretty disappointed in myself, but hopeful that it meant I had a lot of room for learning, or in some cases re-learning material. Walking out of class that day after seeing how poorly I did on that quiz really made me worry about what that meant about how my performance in that class was going to be this semester. It made me worry that maybe this was going to be a more challenging course than I had originally thought. I knew this was going to be a more tricking and difficult class this semester, but am I out of my league so to speak? I am hoping that this is not the case and that I have a MUCH more successful outcome for the class. I am choosing to look at this experience as a positive one. One that means I can only go up from here. Yes 50% is bad, but now I know what my weaknesses in the subject are, and where I need to spend extra time studying. I am excited for this course and all it has to bring the rest of this semester.

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