Friday, August 29, 2014

Celebrate 1 (kayak)

"Celebrates" are not hard for me to recall or remember. Actually, it was very hard for me to pick which one I wanted to use as my first Celebrate. After narrowing it down I decided I wanted to use my "kayaking Celebrate" as my first one. There was this beautiful day in July a few summers ago, it was on a Sunday; I know it was on a Sunday because that is the only day I have off in the summer. Anyways, on this gorgeous Sunday in July the weather was impecable. It was sunny but not overbearingly humid and there wasn't a single cloud in the rich blue sky. My boyfriend and I both decided it would be a perfect day to take the kayaks down to the river and do the 5 mile route. As I carried my kayak into down the enterance slope and into the river I noticed this blue heron siting on a near by tree looking at me. I didn't really think much of it until we started paddling. Once I started to approach the area next to the branch the blue heron was sitting on, he flew away. I just assumed I had frightened him and he was gone. Well as I went further down the river and around a bend I saw the heron again, sitting on another branch. I watched him the whole time up until I got close to him. Yet again, once I got close to him he looked at me, and then flew away. I was confused as to why he kept waiting for me to get to him before flying away and wondered if I'd see him again. Sure enough a little while down the river there he was, looking behind himself as if he was waiting for me. This time I pulled back behind my boyfriend waiting to see if he would fly away when my boyfriend got close to him. To my surprise he didn't. He stayed there looking at me waiting. Once I got close to him he continued to look at me and then once again flew away. I didn't understand why when I got close to him he would fly away, but when my boyfriend was near him, he just stayed there, looking at me. This continued until I got to the end of the route. I felt so distracted by this heron that I really can't recall much of the rest of the route, my entire focus was on this bird. When I was getting out of my kayak the heron watched me pick up my kayak, I looked at him, he looked at me and just as I turned to walk away, he also flew away. It seemed like the perfect way to part after playing catch up all afternoon.


  1. I love herons. Egrets are types of herons - or closely related to them. Near my house in Oklahoma there is an egret rookery. I go there every year to see the babies' fuzzy heads and watch them grow. This year I took my 7 yr old grandson. He is quite enamored with birds anyway and this fascinated him. We saw four different types of egret in the rookery.

  2. That is really cool. This trip is the only time I have ever seen a heron but I thought they were a really neat type of bird
